“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” – Phillipians 4:19
“Are you in a constant financial struggle and juggle where there never seems to be enough? Do you wonder if God is able to or even willing to provide for you? Are you constantly paying bills and covering debt payments without seeing much progress? Are you faithful in tithing and giving but yet you cannot see an outpoured blessing?
Then read this book to find God’s answer to your financial challenges. Financial Empowerment is about managing your finances based on biblical principles. It identifies challenges we face in 9 key areas of our finances and gives God-based solutions on how to solve them and become empowered.
In a simple easy-to-read style, Financial Empowerment is a fresh look at how you see your finances and how to deal with them effectively.”
Then read this book to find God’s answer to your financial challenges. Financial Empowerment is about managing your finances based on biblical principles. It identifies challenges we face in 9 key areas of our finances and gives God-based solutions on how to solve them and become empowered.
In a simple easy-to-read style, Financial Empowerment is a fresh look at how you see your finances and how to deal with them effectively.”
Amazon Reviews
“I found Financial Empowerment to be very Bible-centered, informative and challenging especially at a time when money is such a major issue with world-wide economic problems. It’s a very practical guide to help the reader glean financial principles in times like these.” – -Pastor Cavour Blackman, New Wine Ministries
“Understanding personal finance and having the discipline to manage a budget and save for the future are key factors toward achieving personal life goals, but knowledge and understanding about our spiritual well-being and our creator who makes all things possible are even more fundamental to our overall prosperity. This book reinforces the knowledge of how we are blessed and become wealthy through a commitment to and belief in God, who is our source.” – Carol A. Pitt, Caribbean Chapters Publishing
“This book is well written with clear explanations, loads of sound advice and helpful hints. “ – Letetia Parker
“I took over four pages of notes while reading, and I’ve shared Pamela Carmichael’s knowledge with others. “ –Kimberly Belcheff
“It includes helps and practical tips such as steps to eliminate excessive spending.” – K. Payne
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God is the Source
The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.
—Psalm 24:1–2
It is perfectly logical to assume that a wise and competent Creator would provide for the needs of His creatures in their various stages of growth.
—Charles Fillmore, Prosperity
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ave we ever asked ourselves, Who is my source? If not, now is a good time to do so. So, who is our source? Is it our job or business income—or is it God? Money is such a personal thing that we often fail to recognize that the money we hold in our hands is not ours.
Perhaps you work hard and deserve to be paid for your services. However, you may think your education, talent, creativity, good opportunities, or even your good looks brought what you have.
But again, I ask, Who is your source? Being a good Christian, you may likely answer that God is your source, but do you really believe that?
I’ve had to ask myself this question a few times in my life—when money seemed limited, when I had to juggle figures to see how I could best meet my needs when no money seemed to be in sight, yet bills were due. I’ve even asked this question when times were good and I enjoyed abundance.
So who is your source when times are good and all seems well but trouble comes and all your savings and income suddenly dry up? Do you trust God only when you have enough or live in abundance? Or do you trust Him even when you don’t know where the money is coming from?
What causes us not to trust God as our source? What are some of the effects of limiting God and not seeing Him as our source?
- We Don’t Think We Will Prosper
- We Don’t Believe His Word
- Worry Is Our Friend
By definition a source is any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin (See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/source?s=t). God is the origin from which all life flows. Psalm 24:1 says that the earth belongs to God, everything in it and everyone who lives on it. All is God’s (Deut. 10:14 ; Job 41:11 ; Ps. 50:12; 89:11).
So how do you view your God? Is He the origin of all you need? Is He the One from whom your needs will be met daily? Or do you still think He is limited in His ability to provide for you? If so, you need to examine the Word and see how you can align your will to God’s Word and fully understand that He is your source.
• God, the Creator, prepared for the needs of His children beforehand. From the beginning, the One who created us has been the source of all our needs. First, He designed this world for us to live in. In His love for us, He planted a garden with food, clothing, water, shelter, gold, and precious stones. The sin of Adam brought upon us the curse of hard work and poverty—by the sweat of our brows we eat (Gen. 3:17–20). But faithful as He is, God did not take away His provision from us. From creation until now we see His faithfulness in providing for all who live on this earth.
Moreover, for those who believe and confess Christ as Lord and Savior, His Word promises over and over again that He will take care of all our needs and grant the desires of our hearts (Ps. 21:2; 37:4). Yet when we face financial difficulties, we often become fearful and think God’s resources have dried up. We always need to remember that God is the source of all our needs.
• “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3). What a wonderful promise! God has given you more than you need to enjoy life and live a godly life before Him. God wants to give you not just enough but more than enough to be a blessing to others. Second Corinthians 9:8 says that God will cause you to have more than you need so you can give toward good works. The Word of God emphasizes that God will supply both what you need in your life today and what you need for the future. Regardless of your need, God gives to you when you ask. The Father God knows what you need and will provide (Matt. 6:31 –32).
• If God has taken the time and effort to number the hairs on each person’s head, don’t you think He has all the details of your life worked out (Luke 12:7)? If He has not only given great care to determine how many hairs are on your head, but has also numbered each of them; don’t you think He knows what your financial position is? He has said that you are more valuable to Him than many sparrows. He takes care of the animals, but He takes greater care of every human being created in His image. God had all your needs figured out long before you knew about them, so don’t worry.
• “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Yes, you probably know Philippians 4:19 all too well. If God says He will, then He will. Scripture is filled with promise after promise that God will take care of you. The psalmist said that as a youth and throughout his years on earth, he did not see the righteous and their children beg for food (Ps. 37:25). The righteous includes you! You and your children shall never beg for food because God in His faithfulness as the source of all good things will provide for you.
In this world, relying on ourselves alone is signing up for certain failure. God has promised in His Word that He will meet our needs and provide for us along life’s journey. If we trust Him, He will surely make life good for us. If we trust Him, we will have peace regardless of the turmoil going on around us. When hope fails for others, our trust in God will keep the hope in us alive, and we will see nothing as impossible or hopeless. If we trust Him, we will always remember that He who promised us many blessings is faithful to perform the word He spoke to His people. When we trust God as our source, we will experience not only His peace but also His provision.
Remember, the starting point of all you have, all you need, all you will possess, and all you will be in life is God. He is the stream from which all things flow. Your income is not the starting point of your provision. God is.
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